We’re excited to announce the release of Plotly.js v3.0, Plotly.py v6.0, and Dash v3.0.0rc1
Official Changelog Plotly.js 3.0.0
Official Changelog Plotly.py 6.0.0
Official Changelog Dash 3.0.0rc1
In these releases we put emphasis on performance, better integrations with other Python libraries like Narwhals and Anywidget, and removal of deprecated features. To read the full summary of the recent releases and their impact, check out @nathandrezner 's blog post on Plotly.
Dash 3.0 includes changes that break certain functionalities of community component libraries such as Dash Mantine Components (dmc), Dash Bootstrap Components (dbc), Dash AG Grid (dag), Dash Leaflet.
Dash Core Components (dcc), Dash HTML Components (html) and Dash DataTable have already been updated.
If you are an author of a community component, please test it out with Dash 3, and if you spot a bug please let us know in the topic thread below. People using the aforementioned community components in their apps should pin to Dash 2.18.2 until these components are updated.
Important Docs 
Faster performance for common dataframe types, including Polars and PyArrow:
- Improves on existing support via dataframe interchange protocol
- Up to 10x better performance for Polars, and increased performance in Pandas thanks to general optimizations
- More native dataframe support in the pipeline, including DuckDB
Plotly’s chart widgets are now powered by anywidget:
- Support for widgets in more notebook editors, like Marimo
- Plotly charts play great inside of apps built with anywidget or Jupyter Widgets.
- Note: Support for JupyterLab < 7 has been dropped in favor of modern versions.
Kaleido rebuild:
- Enables support for the latest Chrome
- Simplifies long-term maintenance
- Plans to default to the new Kaleido in a future version of Plotly.py
Added support for a new system for hooks and plugins:
- Setup, layout, routing, callback, error, and index hooks will be available
- Flask extensions, extra actions, error handling, and other sophisticated functionality is easier to add
Additional refinements and improvements:
- Default to React 18 in Dash: Dash is bumping the default version of React for compatibility with new component libraries.
- Component prop typing in Dash: Explicit typing can be added directly to callback signatures.
- Better render performance in Dash: Apps with many Dash components will see improved render performance.
Previous Releases
Dash 2.17.0 Released - Callback updates with set_props, No Output Callbacks, Layout as List, dcc.Loading, Trace Zorder
Dash 2.15.0 Released - Slider Tooltip Styling, Setting Allowed Axes Range, More Page Routing Inputs
Dash 2.13.0 Released - Coupling with Plotly.py, Shapes in Legends, and Broader DataFrame Support
Dash 2.11.0 Released - Dash in Jupyter, Locked Flask versions, and dcc.Graph Updates