N_clicks Input callback trigger all cells of my table

Hi everyone!
I just started playing with Dash and I have made a dashboard app where I render multiple html table based on dataframe (they have dynamic ids assigned in order to render them) and I have the following code which gets a dataframe

def multiindex_table(df, report_name, tab_name, index):
    pos = np.diff(df.index.codes, axis=1, prepend=-1)
    for row in pos:
        counts = np.diff(np.flatnonzero(np.r_[row, 1]))
        row[row.astype(bool)] = counts

    cols = []
    for name, version in df.columns:
        if name in cols:

    first = [html.Th(n, style=header_style) for n in ["", titles[0]]] + [
        html.Th(n, colSpan=2, style=header_style) for n in cols]
    second = [html.Th(n, style=header_style) for n in [titles[1], "Version"]] + [
        html.Th(n[1], style=header_style) for n in df.columns]

    table_header = html.Thead([
        html.Tr(first, style=row_style),
        html.Tr(second, style=row_style)

    ], )

    bodyTrs = []
    for rowIndex, (rowSpanVals, idx, col) in enumerate(zip(pos.T, df.index.tolist(), df.to_numpy())):
        rowTds = []
        for name, rowSpan in zip(idx, rowSpanVals):
            if rowSpan != 0:
                rowTds.append(html.Td(name, rowSpan=rowSpan, style=row_style))
        for i in range(0, len(col), 2):
            cell_id = {
                'type': 'table-cell',
                'report_name': report_name,
                'tab_name': tab_name,
                'index': index,
                'row_variant': idx[0],
                'row_tag': idx[1],
                'col_version': df.columns[i][0],
                'col_level': 'main',
                'col_index': i,
                'row_index': rowIndex
            rowTds.append(html.Td(id=cell_id, children=col[i], style=row_style, n_clicks=None))
            rowTds.append(html.Td(id=cell_id, children=col[i + 1], style=row_style, n_clicks=None))

        bodyTrs.append(html.Tr(rowTds, style=row_style))

    return table_header, html.Tbody(bodyTrs)

As you can see I also assign for each cell an id in order to be able to display some data if a click happens on them, which I do with this callback

    Output({'type': 'some-table', 'report_name': MATCH, 'tab_name': MATCH, 'index': MATCH}, 'children'),
    Input({'type': 'table-cell', 'report_name': MATCH, 'tab_name': MATCH, 'index': MATCH, 'row_variant': ALL,
            'row_tag': ALL, 'col_version': ALL, 'col_level': ALL, 'col_index': ALL, 'row_index': ALL},
def cell_click(n_clicks):
    ctx = callback_context
     # ... code that returns some data

Now everything works like a charm, the only thing that bothers me is that when there is a click on a cell, it’s like every cell was clicked. For example the inputs of ctx are 192 elements (or n_clicks for this matter returns a list of 192 elements), which matches with the 192 cells.
I wanted to know if this could impact efficiency, and if so how can I only retrieve the only cell that was clicked. I know that its because of the wildcarde since Ive used the ALL keywords for the other fields in the input, but if I try to replace all those ALL witch MATCH, then there will be an error asw the Output wildcard wont match the Input one (and I dont want the Output one to have all the same fields as the Input as I want to display information on some table when a cell is clicked, I dont want each of one of the cell to have their own dedicated table that re renders each time because it seems unefficient but perhaps I might be wrong).
Therefore I just wanted to know if the actual solution I have is the best for my use case or if there is a better one.
I’ll be happy to provide more informations if needed!
Thank you very much for your help and time

Hello @marsdev,

Welcome to the community!

Have you took a look at using DataTable or AG Grid to make the tables you are after?

This should streamline your build process and give you the ability to know which cell has been clicked on innately. :slight_smile:

I have indeed looked in DataTable, the problem is that my dataframe that is displayed is with multi indices and levels (each row is divided in two categories and so is a column). If thats possible in AG Grid I’ll definitely look up into it, also what is very important to me is to display the row, you see the goal would be to have something similar like this (what is also missing in the picture is that for each column, they are also subdivided in two columns similarly to the rows). Do you think its possible to obtain something like this in AG Grid or DataTable ?