Hi, I have a multi-page sidebar in my Dash app and when the user clicks on a certain page, they have the option to type in how many rows they want on the screen so that they can type in data.
I want to trigger the callback for this only when they press the “enter” button. However, this ended up not working and after doing some testing, I realized it was due to “n_clicks” staying at “None” even after being clicked. This is where I’m stuck- why doesn’t the number of clicks for the button update when it’s clicked?
I looked at examples online of a dropdown or a button being dynamically loaded or on a different page and it seemed to work fine, so I’m not sure why my code is facing this issue. Below I put relevant code snippets. If you’d like to see more, let me know. I included some commented-out code so you can see what I tried to do. Thanks
Edit: Button callbacks work when the button is in the initial layout, but if the button is created w/in a callback, then it doesn’t work
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from layouts import sidebar
#import callbacks
from app import app
from apps import chem_app, soil_app, ips_app
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False),
Output('sidebar_output', 'children'),
Input('url', 'pathname')
def update_sidebar(pathname):
if pathname == '/chem':
return chem_app.layout
elif pathname == '/ips':
return [
# dbc.Row([
# dbc.Col([
# html.Label('# of primary species to add: ', id='IPS_L', style={'font-size':'0.8rem'})
# ], width={'size':7}),
# dbc.Col([
# dcc.Input(
# id='IPS_input',
# type='number',
# placeholder='number',
# style={'width':'4.5rem', 'font-size':'0.85rem'}
# )
# ]),
# dbc.Col([
# html.Button('Enter', id='IPS_Enter', style={'font-size':'0.8rem'})
# ])
# ], no_gutters=True),
elif pathname == '/soil':
return soil_app.layout
if __name__ == '__main__':
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from app import app
layout = html.Div([
html.Label('# of primary species to add: ', id='IPS_L', style={'font-size':'0.8rem'})
], width={'size':7}),
style={'width':'4.5rem', 'font-size':'0.85rem'}
html.Button(id='IPS_Enter', children='Enter', n_clicks=0, style={'font-size':'0.8rem'})
], no_gutters=True),
html.Div(id='IPS_container', style={'height':'35rem'})
Output('IPS_container', 'children'),
Input('IPS_Enter', 'n-clicks'),
#State('IPS_input', 'value')
def add_rows(n_clicks):
string = 'The Button has been pressed {}'.format(n_clicks)
return [
html.Label('Species', id='Species')
html.Label('Precip', id='Precip')
html.Label('Surface', id='Surface')
html.Label('UZ', id='UZ')
html.Label('LZ', id='LZ')
# if n_clicks is None:
# raise PreventUpdate
# return None
# elif n_clicks > 0:
# if n_clicks is None:
# return dash.no_update
# else:
# print(rows)
# listOfRows = [
# dbc.Row([
# dbc.Col([
# dcc.Input(
# id='species{}_input'.format(i),
# type='text',
# placeholder='Species',
# style={'width':'4.9rem'}
# )
# ]),
# dbc.Col([
# dcc.Input(
# id='precip{}_input'.format(i),
# type='number',
# placeholder='number',
# style={'width':'2.45rem'}
# )
# ]),
# dbc.Col([
# dcc.Input(
# id='surface{}_input'.format(i),
# type='number',
# placeholder='number',
# style={'width':'2.45rem'}
# )
# ]),
# dbc.Col([
# dcc.Input(
# id='uz{}_input'.format(i),
# type='number',
# placeholder='number',
# style={'width':'2.45rem'}
# )
# ]),
# dbc.Col([
# dcc.Input(
# id='lz{}_input'.format(i),
# type='number',
# placeholder='number',
# style={'width':'2.45rem'}
# )
# ])
# ])
# for i in range(rows)
# ]