My chart shows empty

I’m trying to plot a different graph for each option selected in the Dropdown (The options correspond to the Dataframe columns) when I run the code the graph appears empty… where am I going wrong?

My code:

opcoes = df[['Rnd','ACS','K:D','KAST','ADR','KPR','APR','FKPR','FDPR','HS%','CL%','CL','KMax','K','D','A','FK','FD']].columns.values

app.layout = html.Div(children=[

        dcc.Dropdown(opcoes, value = 'ACS' , id='check_opcao'),

        dcc.Graph( id='grafico_gc_players')
        Output('grafico_gc_players', 'figure'),
                Input('check_opcao', 'value'),

def renderizar_graficos(check_opcao):

    if check_opcao == 'ACS':
                fig =, ['Rnd','ACS','K:D','KAST','ADR','KPR','APR','FKPR','FDPR','HS%','CL%','KMax','K','D','A','FK','FD']), x='Player', y= check_opcao,  title='Top 10 jogadores em: ' + check_opcao, color='Player', barmode = 'stack', 
                                'Player': 'Nome e Time',
                                'ACS': 'ACS'}, template='plotly_dark', text='ACS')

    elif check_opcao == 'HS%':
#         #tabela_filtrada = df.loc[df['Colunas'] == value,:]
                 fig = px.scatter(df, x="Player", y= check_opcao, title='Os 10 Jogadores com a maior taxa de HS e seu KD no Valorant Champions:',
                                'Player': 'Jogador',
                                'HS%': 'HS%'}, size='ACS',  
                        hover_data=['Player'] , template='plotly_dark', text='HS%')
#     elif check_opcao == 'HS%':
#                 fig_hs = px.scatter(df.nlargest(10, ['Rnd','ACS','K:D','KAST','ADR','KPR','APR','FKPR','FDPR','HS%','CL%','KMax','K','D','A','FK','FD']), x="Player", y=check_opcao, title='Os 10 Jogadores com a maior taxa de HS e seu KD no Valorant Champions:',
#                  color="K:D",
#                         labels={
#                                 'Player': 'Jogador',
#                                 'HS%': 'HS%'}, size='ACS',  
#                         hover_data=['Player'] , template='plotly_dark', text='HS%')
    else :
        fig =, ['Rnd','ACS','K:D','KAST','ADR','KPR','APR','FKPR','FDPR','HS%','CL%','KMax','K','D','A','FK','FD']), x='Player', y= check_opcao, color= check_opcao, title='Top 10 jogadores em: ' + check_opcao, barmode = 'stack', 
                    'Player': 'Nome e Time'}, text= check_opcao, template='plotly_dark')

        return fig


it looks like the ‘return fig’ is on the wrong level, bring it out from under the else: statement.

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The problem was this :man_facepalming: I was distracted by the function and I didn’t even notice this amateur error :joy:

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