I’m trying to make a multipage app, with easy sidebar navigation. The documentation relates the content of the pages with the following function:
def render_page_content(pathname):
if pathname == "/":
return html.P("This is the content of the home page!")
elif pathname == "/page-1":
return html.P("This is the content of page 1. Yay!")
elif pathname == "/page-2":
return html.P("Oh cool, this is page 2!")
# If the user tries to reach a different page, return a 404 message
return dbc.Jumbotron(
html.H1("404: Not found", className="text-danger"),
html.P(f"The pathname {pathname} was not recognised..."),
Now, when attempting to add user input to these pages, I get errors on the callback:
File “”, line 82
@app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output(‘page-1-content’, ‘children’),
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I’ve been stuck trying to get this to work. All multipage stuff I’ve seen just uses links, which I dislike. For my use, a simple sidebar navigation is all I need. Is there a way around having to deal with having to create .py files for each page, and relating them through an app.py and index.py, like the multipage documentation shows?