Multi-page Callbacks Auto Firing Despite Prevent Initial True

I am working on a Dash app built with the multi-page layout. In the main layout I have a hidden div that contains a dcc.Download component and a couple dcc.Store components to save some user meta, in the other pages of the app I want to send data to the download component in the main layout as well as access the data in the Store components.

For the download component, this happens after a user clicks on an ‘Export’ button. This was working fine when using Tabs component instead of pages but requirements have changed and now I have to use the pages model. When I visit this page all of the callbacks are triggered including the one that sends data to the download component. I have config_prevent_initial_callbacks=True set for each callback yet it still seems to be triggered when use the multi-page model. Looking for any advice to try out. Thanks.

Hello @chase.uphaus,

Welcome to the community!

I believe you are looking for prevent_initial_call=True instead. :slight_smile: