Mpl_to_plotly - module has no attribute 'isclose'

I’m using Python 2.7.14, trying to convert a matplotlib plot to a plotly plot. When I use the mpl_to_plotly function on my figure, I get that the math module has no attribute ‘isclose’. math.isclose is only in python 3+, so I’m unsure why it is trying to use that. I installed using conda, which is on a 2.7 environment, and it installs 2.5.1. My current solution is to install from the conda channel, which installs 1.3.2, and downgrade matplotlib to 1.3.1, but I am missing out on some more recent features by doing this. How do I fix this?

<ipython-input-6-7b9d0f71f01a> in <module>()
      4     daemon_stats[file[0]], sample_rate = get_daemon_stats_from_file(daemon_path + ''.join(file))
----> 6 plot_daemon_stats(daemon_stats, [f[0] for f in files])

<ipython-input-5-3fdcd3135153> in plot_daemon_stats(stats, node_names)
     38     fig.tight_layout(pad=1, h_pad=3.5)
---> 40     plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig)
     41     update = dict(
     42         layout=dict(showlegend=True)

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\tools.pyc in mpl_to_plotly(fig, resize, strip_style, verbose)
    457     if matplotlylib:
    458         renderer = matplotlylib.PlotlyRenderer()
--> 459         matplotlylib.Exporter(renderer).run(fig)
    460         if resize:
    461             renderer.resize()

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\matplotlylib\mplexporter\exporter.pyc in run(self, fig)
     47             import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     48             plt.close(fig)
---> 49         self.crawl_fig(fig)
     51     @staticmethod

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\matplotlylib\mplexporter\exporter.pyc in crawl_fig(self, fig)
    114                                        props=utils.get_figure_properties(fig)):
    115             for ax in fig.axes:
--> 116                 self.crawl_ax(ax)
    118     def crawl_ax(self, ax):

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\matplotlylib\mplexporter\exporter.pyc in crawl_ax(self, ax)
    121                                      props=utils.get_axes_properties(ax)):
    122             for line in ax.lines:
--> 123                 self.draw_line(ax, line)
    124             for text in ax.texts:
    125                 self.draw_text(ax, text)

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\matplotlylib\mplexporter\exporter.pyc in draw_line(self, ax, line, force_trans)
    194                                            markerstyle=markerstyle,
    195                                            label=label,
--> 196                                            mplobj=line)
    198     def draw_text(self, ax, text, force_trans=None, text_type=None):

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\matplotlylib\renderer.pyc in draw_marked_line(self, **props)
    348                 color=color,
    349                 width=props['linestyle']['linewidth'],
--> 350                 dash=mpltools.convert_dash(props['linestyle']['dasharray'])
    351             )
    352         if props['markerstyle']:

C:\Users\Cody\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\plotly\matplotlylib\mpltools.pyc in convert_dash(mpl_dash)
     66         # Catch the exception where the off length is zero, in case
     67         # matplotlib 'solid' changes from '10,0' to 'N,0'
---> 68         if (math.isclose(float(dash_array[1]), 0.)):
     69             return 'solid'

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'isclose'```

I am facing with the same issue.

any fix ?