Sometimes it works, but most often when it retrieves the scatter
point index it display the error message list index out of range:
. . .
<ipython-input-20-ca1abaf933a6> in
trigger_update(trace,points, state)
5 def trigger_update(trace, points, state):
----> 6 ind = points.point_inds[0]#get the index of the scatter point that is hovered on
8 with fwd.batch_update():#update data and layout in the bar chart
IndexError: list index out of range
What is odd is that it continues to update the bar chart on hover, even after displaying this error.
This behaviour manifests in any other pair consisting in a scatter plot (not only scatermapbox) and other FigureWidget to be updated.
Hi @empet, This is a really cool notebook dashboard!
It looks like the trouble youβre running into is that you have two traces (county boundary lines and country center points) and the on_hover interaction function is called whenever a hover interaction occurs on either trace. So when a hover is registered on a county boundary, the on_hover function for the county centers trace is being called with an empty array of points.
Here are two options for getting around this:
Add a check to your trigger_update to do nothing if the point_inds are empty.
def trigger_update(trace, points, state):
if not points.point_inds:
ind = points.point_inds[0]#get the index of the scatter point that is hovered on
with fwd.batch_update():#update data and layout in the bar chart[0].y = votes_Clinton_Trump[ind]
fwd.layout.title = county_name[ind]
Set the hoverinfo property of the country lines trace to skip instead of none (as you have it now). When the hoverinfo is skip, hover events will not be fired.
The reason these empty hover events are fired at the moment is because the on_hover and on_selection logic is nearly identical. For on_selection I wanted empty selection events to fire so that it was possible to respond to the situation where someone selects a region that contains no points. But maybe that should be a special case for on_selection, so that on_hover, on_unhover, and on_click donβt fire with empty point_inds