I add multiple go.Box()
in my figure, and I want the x axis labels to be different from the legend. How can I do that?
More precisely:
- I would like the x labels to be: “device field strength 1.5”, “device field strength 3” and “device model changed”,
- I want only 2 legend labels: “F1 score” and “Dice score”.
Details & context
I have the following pandas DataFrame:
method group patient device_field_strength variable value
0 expert1 experts 62 device_field_strength_1.5 F1_score 0.857
1 expert1 experts 66 device_field_strength_3 F1_score 0.909
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and the following code:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
fig = go.Figure()
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=("4 experts", "4 methods with highest F1 score"))
device_field_strengths = device_field_strength_impact_df.device_field_strength.unique()
for group in ['experts', 'best_methods']:
for metric in ['F1_score', 'Dice']:
for device_field_strength in device_field_strengths:
y=device_field_strength_impact_df[(device_field_strength_impact_df.device_field_strength==device_field_strength) & (device_field_strength_impact_df.group==group) & (device_field_strength_impact_df.variable==metric)].value,
name=f'{device_field_strength} {metric}',
marker_color='darkblue' if metric == 'F1_score' else 'red',
boxmean=True # represent mean
), row=1, col=1 if group == 'experts' else 2)
Note: I made the same figure with Plotly express but I think it cannot show the mean.