Lookup Error When Using Context_Callback

I’m trying to use context_callback in an if statement in a callback:

    Output("EventbyType", "figure"),
    Input("EventbyTypeDropdown", "value"),
    Input('refresh-graph', 'n_clicks'),
    State('datepicker-start', 'value'),
    State('datepicker-end', 'value'),
def generate_EventbyType_graph(EventbyTypeDropdown, refresh_clicks, date_start, date_end, **kwargs):

    if ctx.triggered_id == 'EventbyTypeDropdown':

The last line is what gives me an error: LookupError: <ContextVar name=‘callback_context’ at 0x000001C4E5AE1C70>.

I can return a figure easily, but I’m wanting to not only change the figure by filtering from a dropdown, but also be able to refresh the data from a sql server. I’ve read the advanced callbacks page, but I’m clearly misunderstanding how callback_context is supposed to be used. I don’t see any examples of this on the community examples page, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try removing the single quotes around the EventbyTypeDropdown in the function.

    Output("EventbyType", "figure"),
    Input("EventbyTypeDropdown", "value"),
    Input('refresh-graph', 'n_clicks'),
    State('datepicker-start', 'value'),
    State('datepicker-end', 'value'),
def generate_EventbyType_graph(EventbyTypeDropdown, refresh_clicks, date_start, date_end, **kwargs):

    if ctx.triggered_id == EventbyTypeDropdown:

I removed the quotes, but I still get the error.

Hi @starsidechimp,

an example:

import dash
from dash import html, Input, Output, ctx

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(

    Output('out', 'children'),
        Input('b1', 'n_clicks'),
        Input('b2', 'n_clicks'),
# pretty explicit
def update(*args):
    if ctx.triggered_id == 'b1':
        val = 'b1'
        val = 'b2'
    return val

# actually I would just do this:
# def update(*args):
#     return ctx.triggered_id

if __name__ == "__main__":

Found the issue. I had django_plotly_dash imported at the top, even though I wasn’t using it at all. That was causing the error every time. It’s strange though, the django_plotly_dash docs mention callback_context being part of kwargs.

Hi @starsidechimp

Glad you figured out the issue :confetti_ball:

Thanks @AIMPED for providing a nice minimal example for callback_context. For anyone looking for more example apps, you can try searching for ctx. or select callback type “Callback Context” in the Featured examples: Dash Example Index

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I am seeing the same error, as described here .The error is occurring in line 275 of pages.py

Check your Dash version and make sure you are getting callback_context (or ctx) name from the correct package.
This what works for dash==2.9.3:

trigger_id = dash.callback_context.triggered[0]['prop_id']