Looking for a freelance Dash expert


I wasn’t sure if this was the place for job postings but I reached out to Chris Parmer and he pointed me in this direction…

Alas, I’m looking for a Dash expert to support my team in February. We have expertise in machine learning and we want to build a front end to an demo/MVP that we’ll be showing to customers in March.

We’re looking for the following:

  • Someone to review the designs and provide us with recommendations to how to best build the front end. Ideally, we’d do a workshop (can of course be remote) where we discuss how best to proceed with the build.

  • Someone to provide development support on an hourly basis throughout February.

It will essentially be a front end app just querying static data and so we’re most concerned with building an elegant UI which visualises the data insights in a coherent way. I can provide further details to anyone interested!

If it sounds appealing, let me know :slight_smile:


That sounds interesting. What are you building?

By the way, do take a look at: http://edaminer.com/ (credentials: admin/admin) or https://github.com/KMouratidis/EDA_miner.

I think we’re sorted! Thanks all for the responses!