Loading Spinner Download CSV on Click @server.route

I need to read csv from different external url that change based on a value range that the user sets. For example, the user may say 1-10 and url 1-10 are read and a csv returned. I then need to allow the user to download a single csv file created from all the downloaded csv (something like pd.concat(list)). The final and intermediate files don’t need to be stored or cached.

The limitations I have so far are:

  1. The final joined CSV is large so I can’t just fill out the href property
  2. The choice of URL to download the CSV is generated dynamically by the user (not a global df)
  3. I am deploying the app on Heroku and so filesytem cache and save to disk may not be the best option

My current solution has been to return a link in a callback to app.server.route. The value in the link contains a range of values which determines the number of files to download. The “long_function” reads the csv from the url and creates a single dataframe which is then returned.

This solution works BUT the issue is when a user clicks the download button there is a pause (shown here as 10 second sleep) with no indication of progress or loading. Is there a way to add a loading spinner or progress bar in this scenario? Is there another solution and maybe this is not the right course?

import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Output, Input

import flask
import io
import time
import pandas as pd

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

def long_function(x):
    # Would really be loop pinging multiple URL that deliver CSV in return [pd.read_csv(URL)]
    # Would be a df formed from multiple URL [pd.concat(li)]
    return pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]})

app.layout = html.Div([
    # Value would be used to generate multiple URL paths
    dcc.Dropdown(id='my-dropdown', value='default',
                 options=[{'label': 'Path', 'value': 'Path'}]),
    # Need icon to indicate long function process
                children=[html.Div(html.A('Download', id='download-link', download='data.csv', href="", target="_blank"))])

@app.callback(Output('download-link', 'href'), [Input('my-dropdown', 'value')])
def update_link(value):
    return '/dash/urlToDownload?value={}'.format(value)

def download_csv():
    value = flask.request.args.get('value')
    df = long_function(value)
    str_io = io.StringIO()
    mem = io.BytesIO()
    return flask.send_file(mem,

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run_server(debug=True, port=8000)```
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