Loading Animation

Hi guys,

We are building a dashboard using dash (its amazing - love it guys!).

When our UX designer prototyped our dash for us, he had some cool animations on loading, and I was wondering if this is at all possible in the dash framework?

This is a GIF of the loading:

Really appreciate any advice, I expect it isn’t possible, but I think this would be an awesome feature to build in the future!

Thanks all!

are you looking for the loading component in dcc? https://dash.plot.ly/dash-core-components/loading_component

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Yep, we are, I guess the thing I am unsure about is how to animate the bars in the plot themselves? Is this something could foreseeably be achieved with CSS?

I’m also interested in how to animate bars using dash core components as seen in the gif, could this smooth animation be achieved using dcc?

Animations for bar graphs do work. the dcc.Graph component has an attribute called animate.