KeyError: 'Date' With component with date range picker

Hi I am trying to update a data table with date range picker for some DF and its throwing me an error “key error”

import os
import math
# dash libs
import dash
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from dash import dcc, html, dash_table
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import datetime as dt
import dash_daq as daq
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from decimal import *

# pydata stack
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# set params
# conn = create_engine(os.environ['DB_URI'])

# Data Manipulation / Model

df = pd.read_excel('/Users/sdabi/Documents/sample_data.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')
# print(df.dtypes)
# exit()
# df['Baseline']=pd.to_numeric(df['Baseline'])

# print(df.head())

decompose_result_mult = seasonal_decompose(df[['Sales']], model="additive",period = 12)

trend = decompose_result_mult.trend
seasonal = decompose_result_mult.seasonal
residual = decompose_result_mult.resid

# metric_list = ['Sales','CustomForecast','Both']
curve_list = ['Annual','Weekly']

df['Annual_split']= df['Sales']/df['Sales'].sum()

def get_cagr(constant, cagr= 0, adjuster= False):
#calculate daily cagr
    constant_list =[]
    CustomForecast =[]
    inc_forecast =[]
    reduction_factor =[]
    daily_factor =[1]
    annual_split = df['Annual_split'].tolist()
    constant_list = [constant*1.0]*len(df)
    if cagr == 0 and not adjuster:
        CustomForecast = [x/len(constant_list) for x in constant_list]
        inc_forecast = [0]*len(df)
        reduction_factor= [0]*len(df)
        daily_factor = [1]*len(df)

    elif cagr == 0 and adjuster:
        CustomForecast = [a*b for a,b in zip(constant_list,annual_split)]
        inc_forecast = [0]*len(df)
        reduction_factor= [0]*len(df)
        daily_factor = [1]*len(df)
        daily_cagr = ((1.0+cagr)**(1.0/len(df)))-1.0
        daily_factor = [1]
        for i in range(1,len(df)):
            prev_val = daily_factor[i-1]
        if not adjuster:
            inc_forecast_temp = [x/len(constant_list) for x in constant_list]
            inc_forecast = [a*b for a,b in zip(inc_forecast_temp,daily_factor)]
            reduction_factor = [x/sum(inc_forecast) for x in constant_list]
            CustomForecast = [a*b for a,b in zip(inc_forecast,reduction_factor)] 
            inc_forecast = [a*b*c for a,b,c in zip(constant_list,annual_split,daily_factor)]
            reduction_factor = [x/sum(inc_forecast) for x in constant_list]
            CustomForecast = [a*b*c for a,b,c in zip(inc_forecast,reduction_factor,annual_split)]
        result_dict = {'Date': df['Date'].to_list(),
                       'constant': constant_list,
                       'inc_forecast': inc_forecast,
                       'reduction_factor': reduction_factor,
        return result_dict

def get_metric_results(start_date,end_date,cagr_dict):
    df_new = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cagr_dict)
    df_new = df_new.loc[(df_new['Date'] >= start_date) & (df_new['Date'] <= end_date)]  
    metric_results =  df_new[['Date','CustomForecast','constant','daily_factor','inc_forecast','reduction_factor']]
    # metric_results['Date']= metric_results['Date'].dt.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
    return metric_results

# get_cagr(40000000,0.05,False)

# x = get_metric_results('2021-01-01','2021-01-10',get_cagr(40000000,0.05,False))

# print(x.dtypes)

# exit()

# Dashboard Layout / View

# Set up Dashboard and create layout
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])

app.layout = html.Div([
        dbc.Row(dbc.Col(html.H3("Forecast Generator"),
                        width={'size': 6},
        dbc.Row(dbc.Col(html.Div('Select Metric/Filter to adjust data'),
                            id='my-date-picker-range',  # ID to be used for callback
                            calendar_orientation='horizontal',  # vertical or horizontal
                            day_size=30,  # size of calendar image. Default is 39
                            end_date_placeholder_text="Return",  # text that appears when no end date chosen
                            clearable=True,  # whether or not the user can clear the dropdown
                            number_of_months_shown=1,  # number of months shown when calendar is open
                            min_date_allowed=dt.datetime(2021, 1, 1),  # minimum date allowed on the DatePickerRange component
                            max_date_allowed=dt.datetime(2021, 12, 31),  # maximum date allowed on the DatePickerRange component
                            initial_visible_month=dt.datetime(2021, 1, 1),  # the month initially presented when the user opens the calendar
                            start_date=dt.datetime(2021, 1, 1).date(),
                            end_date=dt.datetime(2021, 12, 31).date(),
                            display_format='MM-DD-YYYY',  # how selected dates are displayed in the DatePickerRange component.
                            minimum_nights=2,  # minimum number of days between start and end date
                            persistence_type='session',  # session, local, or memory. Default is 'local'
                            updatemode='bothdates'  # singledate or bothdates. Determines when callback is triggered
                        width={'size': 3, 'order': 2}
                            placeholder='enter a number to start generating forecast',
                            name='Baseline Units'),
                        width={'size': 2,  'order': 3}
                        width=4, lg={'size': 2,  "offset": 0, 'order': 'last'}

# Interaction Between Components / Controller

        # Input(component_id='metric-selector', component_property='value'),
        Input(component_id='my-date-picker-range', component_property='start_date'),
        Input(component_id='my-date-picker-range', component_property='end_date'),
        Input(component_id='starting_point_baseline', component_property='value'),
        Input(component_id='btn-adjuster-1', component_property='on'),
def load_metric_results(start_date,end_date,constant,adjuster=None,cagr=0):
    cagr_results = get_cagr(constant,adjuster,cagr)
    start_date_x = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date,'%Y-%m-%d')
    start_date_a = dt.datetime.strftime(start_date_x,'%Y-%m-%d')
    end_date_x = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date,'%Y-%m-%d')
    end_date_a = dt.datetime.strftime(end_date_x,'%Y-%m-%d')
    results = get_metric_results(start_date_a,end_date_a,cagr_results)
    if len(results)>0:
        data = results.to_dict('rows'),
        columns = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(results.columns)}
    return [
    results.to_dict("records"),[{'name': x, 'id': x} for x in results.columns]

# start Flask server
if __name__ == '__main__':
        # host='',

Any help here is largely appreciated, this was working a while back and now its giving me weird key error

This annoying error means that Pandas can not find your column name in your dataframe. Before doing anything with the data frame, use print(df.columns) to see dataframe column exist or not.


I was getting a similar kind of error in one of my codes. Turns out, that particular index was missing from my data frame as I had dropped the empty dataframe 2 rows. If this is the case, you can do df.reset_index(inplace=True) and the error should be resolved.

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