I got the same error, and found out the problem was using an empty dictionary as return value for callbacks targeting the ‘figure’ attribute of Graph components.
This worked for dcc 0.18, but when upgraded to 0.22 I kept getting the error you mention. Using {‘data’: []} as return value solved the problem for me.
Can confirm. If any plot in your layout has an empty figure attribute, or something that’s not supposed to be there, it seems to stop the entire app from working. In my case, I accidentally had a go.Contour() as a figure attribute on a graph. My callbacks were firing, but I couldn’t get them to visually change anything. I changed the go.Contour() to go.Contour(data=[]), which threw an error but made the rest of my app start working again! {'data':[]}, naturally, worked perfectly.
Note that this did not get rid of the fantasy-land/map errors for me. They’re still there, but I now know they have nothing to do with my app’s nonresponsiveness.