I expect I should be able to improve my dashboard look and feel by simply adding a CSS file to my dashboard. I am not sure why it has to be done by adding a module ( import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc ) .
Is there any simple set of css files that enhances the fonts and look of my dashboards?
I am aware that we can add custom css files to Dash. I am trying to avoid creating my own CSS themes. With this question, I a looking for read-made CSS files created for Dash/Plotly. Do we have a set of such CSS files?
I wonder how do you know about https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css ? It seems that bWLwgP.css file is specifically designed for Plotly. Who created it? Is it official Plotlyl code? Do we have more of such css code created for Plotly?
@python-trader I think it was created by Chris Palmer (co-founder of Plotly). It has been posted numerous time on the forum. I believe it is your best bet to “just enhance the looks”. I you want “more” out of the box, the best approach would probably be to use a UI library such as dash-bootstrap-components (as AnnMarie mentioned) or dash-mantine-components (I migrated to the latter some time ago, and I have been very happy with it),
I understand that there are open source “components+ csslook” packages available for Plotly. Two examples are mentioned in this thread. I was hoping I can find more CSS only files for branding.
Is it safe to assume that other than bWLwgP.css , there is no other popular branding CSS stylesheet file for Plotly?
You can look at the apps in the app gallery - many of the open source apps have custom stylesheets. Dash Enterprise.
Plus if you work for a company, you may be interested in the Dash Enterprise Design Kit. Dash Design Kit