Is there a way to combine tab component and dcc.location?

Hi, I want to ask is there a way to combine tab component and dcc.location. I want when the user clicks on a tab it changes the page content and also updates the URL. Can anyone teach me how to do it?

Is there a particular reason you want it this way? Because in my opinion it is easier to make a multipage app with links. By pressing a link you will actually be redirected to a new page and thereby the content and url changes.

Check out this Guide.



For now, we recommend “styling” your dcc.Link components to “look like” tabs.

Hello there,

Does the below discussion help you, @Yuechean ?

For anyone coming across this from Google: Inside the dcc.Link element use this style to get the link to have a full DIV clickable area as opposed to the text only which is the default. style={‘display’: ‘block’, ‘height’: ‘100%’, ‘width’: ‘100%’}

Gravedigging here, but today I think this is possible by using triggered by and a callback taking both a (or path) and the dcc.Tabs.value as inputs and ouptuts. Use the triggered_id to determine which value should be used next.

(Input output callback by chadaeschliman · Pull Request #1525 · plotly/dash · GitHub is the change which enables the above.)

But might very well be a better idea to use a solution which don’t require syncing up to states.