Is it possible to save the state of a app so that you can pick up when you left off after refresh?

@cw00137 As of dash==1.3.0, Dash now supports prop persistence in local storage for many components in dcc and in the table. There’s a usage example in 📣 Dash 1.3.0 released.

Additional tweaking can be on the persistence props to change the persisted props, the type of persistence and to allow multiple persisted sets of values per component as described in components props reference (e.g.

In dcc,

  • Checklist, Dropdown, Input, RadioItems, RangeSlider, Slider,Tabs,Textareacan persistvalue`
  • DatePickerRange can persist start_date and end_date
  • DatePickerSingle can persist date

In the table: column_name, data (opt-in), selected_columns, selected_rows, sort_by

Hope this helps!

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