Introducing Dash Yada (Your Automated Dashboard Assistant)

Hello all,

I have been working on an AIO component that I would like to share with you. This component can be used to create interactive tutorials for your sites.

My idea was to create an interactive and fun experience for users, similar to how you go through demo steps of a game when are first playing (especially on a phone). This component will be allowed to type, click and do things that your user would be able to do.

By default, if a step’s component doesnt exist in the DOM tree, it will pause a few seconds, and then advance to the next step.

Be sure you check him out!

:tada: Thanks @AnnMarieW for all the help.

— Read Me —


dash-yada lets you easily create interactive tutorials for your Dash app.


$ pip install dash-yada

Live Demo

Check out the Live Demo to see dash-yada in action!

See the code for this demo in the /docs folder.


More Examples

See more examples in the /examples folder


To get started, simply add the Yada() component to the app’s layout.
You will see the Yada image, in the top right corner. On hover, it displays a default welcome message.


import dash
from dash import html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash_yada import YadaAIO

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])

app.layout = dbc.Container(
        html.H4("My Dashboard", className="p-3 bg-primary text-white text center"),

if __name__ == "__main__":

The default yada image is from If you use this image, please include an attribution.

Customizing the Yada image

Use the following props to change the yada image and the hover message:

  • yada_src (string; optional): Location src of the yada image.

  • hover_message_dict (dict; optional): Props to display for the message when yada is not clicked and not playing a script.

    • The hover_message_dict has keys:
    • name (string; optional) The default name is “yada”. If name is "" a header is not displayed.
    • greeting (string; optional) If greeting is "" the default greeting is not displayed.
    • style (dict; optional) Sets the style of the hover message card.
  • Set the initial position and size with CSS:

The default CSS for the Yada image when the app starts is:

.yada.sleeping {
    right: 30px;
    top: 5px;
    height: 50px;
    width: 35px;

yada_img = ""
hover_message_dict = {
    "name": "Hedwig",
    "greeting": "Let's explore! Just pick a tour and we'll get started",
    "style": {"backgroundColor": "lightgreen"}

yada = YadaAIO(yada_id="my_yada", yada_src=yada_img, hover_message_dict=hover_message_dict)

Adding scripts

You can add one or more scripts for the user to select the tour.

Yada navigates by CSS selector, so it can go to any element on a page. Learn more about selectors at Mozilla web-docs
For example you could use a component’s id prop like this: "#component_id". You can use a CSS class selector like this: ".close-btn"

  • scripts (dict of list of dicts; optional): Dictionary of keys to scripts:
    • each key will have an array of:
      {target (string; required), convo (string; required), action (string; optional), action_args (string; optional)}

Here is a simple example of one script with one step. You can find more script examples in the demo app: file


import dash
from dash import html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash_yada import YadaAIO

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])

yada = YadaAIO(
        "Intro": [
                "target": "#title",
                "convo": "Welcome to My Dashboard tour!",

app.layout = dbc.Container(
            "My Dashboard",
            className="p-3 bg-primary text-white text center",

if __name__ == "__main__":

Styling the tour steps

The steps in the script are displayed in a dbc.Offcanvas component. You can change the style using the steps_offcanvas_style prop.

Note that in the scripts prop you can also use Markdown in the convo

This example shows how to style the dbc.Offcanvas component like in the live demo.

import dash
from dash import html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash_yada import YadaAIO

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])

steps_offcanvas_style = {
    "boxShadow": "0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)",
    "margin": "8px auto",
    "padding": "0px 24px 5px",
    "backgroundColor": "var(--bs-gray-500)",
    "color": "white",
    "borderRadius": 12,
    "maxWidth": 800,

yada = YadaAIO(
        "Intro": [
                "target": "#title",
                "convo": """
                ### Welcome to My Dashboard tour!  
                The tour steps are are displayed in an offcanvas component and can be styled with the `steps_offcanvas_style` prop. 
                Note that you can use Markdown in the "convo" prop.

app.layout = dbc.Container(
            "My Dashboard",
            className="p-3 bg-primary text-white text center",

if __name__ == "__main__":


dash-yada.YadaAIO is an All-In-One component. Learn more about AIO components in the Dash documentation.

   Keyword arguments:

    - yada_id (string; optional):
        The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks.

    - hover_message_dict (dict; optional {name, greeting, style}):
        Props to display for the message when yada is not clicked and not playing a script.
        If not defined, the default name is "yada".  Set name to "" to not display a header.  Set message to "" to not display a greeting
        {name (string; optional), greeting (string; optional), style (dict; optional}

    - script_message (dict; optional):
        String to display for the message when yada is clicked and not playing a script.

    - play_script_props (dict; optional):
        Props to control the options for the play button to run the scripts. dbc.Button props.

    - yada_src (string; optional):
        Location src of the image that you want to display for yada.

    - scripts (dict of list of dicts; optional):
        Dictionary of keys to scripts:
            - each key will have an array of a directory:
            {target (string; required), convo (string; required), action (string; optional),
            action_args (string; optional)}

    - next_button_props (dict; optional):
        Props to control the options for the next button. dbc.Button props.

    - prev_button_props (dict; optional):
        Props to control the options for the previous button. dbc.Button props.

    - end_button_props (dict; optional):
        Props to control the options for the end button. dbc.Button props.

    - steps_offcanvas_style (dict; optional):
        Style to control the offcanvas style while playing a script.


Absolutely fantastic, @jinnyzor ! This can add so much value to any app.

Thanks for all the work you’re putting in to create components which we mere mortals can use afterwards :raised_hands:

Thanks to @AnnMarieW too, who is involved everywhere, it seems :rofl: :hugs:


It is so cool :heart_eyes: and potentially has lots of utility! It instantly remind me Clippy, the MS Office assistant :paperclip:

Thank you for your hardwork!


Such a helpful component that surely will be used by many Dash app authors. Thank you @jinnyzor , thank you @AnnMarieW

I just added it to the Community Components Index. :tada:

Hi @Berbere

We have heard the “Clippy” comment a few times now. Note that you can change the Yada image and the dialog to make it less Clippy-like.

Here’s an example of a tour component for inspiration (this one isn’t Dash Yada) but you can do this in Dash Yada by using a circle as the Yada image and styling the steps dialog box to match.



@AnnMarieW Thanks for your example for inspiration :tada: . To be honest it looks good in both ways. Personally, I value utility over appearance given that appearance satisfties minimal threshold :smiley: Therefore, I don’t really mind making it more Clippy-like. Nevertheless, I guess the overall content of the app declares the image of Yada, basically, to ensure overall harmony.