Is there a way to change the style (Font Color, Font Size, Font Family) of the inputs like dropdowns and multi-dropdowns?
Is there a way to change the style (Font Color, Font Size, Font Family) of the inputs like dropdowns and multi-dropdowns?
The best way to do this would probably be to check out the default stylesheets for these components, copy them, modify them, and then serve them using https://plot.ly/dash/external-resources. Here are the default stylesheets: https://github.com/plotly/dash-core-components/blob/master/dash_core_components/react-virtualized@9.9.0.css, https://github.com/plotly/dash-core-components/blob/master/dash_core_components/react-select@1.0.0-rc.3.min.css.
You may also be able to set the style
attributes of a parent html.Div
html.Div(style={'fontColor': 'blue'}, children=dcc.Dropdown(...))
But I haven’t tried that myself.
Finally, I recommend using Chrome’s Debugger to manually inspect and modify styles live: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/inspect-styles/
Setting the parent-Div style worked.
Thank you!