Hello everyone,
I have this app repository folder organization:
in app.py
I have of th app instantiation and cache setting:
dash_app =
pages_folder =str((Path(file).parent / ‘pages’).absolute()),
assets_folder= str((Path(file).parent / ‘assets’).absolute()),
prevent_initial_callbacks = True,
suppress_callback_exceptions = True,
cache = Cache(dash_app.server, config={
‘CACHE_TYPE’: ‘FileSystemCache’,
‘CACHE_DIR’: ‘cache-directory’
and a cache function below the code above:
def compute_data():
return data
In pages\page1.py
I rgister the page of course but then I would also want to import and use the function compute data
I am struggling to make it work because i has ImportError caused by the thing that in app = Dash() all the pages are imported but the function `compute_data()´ is not yet defined,
so I get a final
ImportError cannot import compute_data from partially initialized module
Did it ever happened to you a similar multipage app an functions design?
Do someone have any sugestion on how to achieve possibility to use in pages callback functions defined in app.py
My idea would have been to init pages after the app= Dash() instantiation but at the moment it is not possible and if I implement modifications on a dash package fork, I thought I would lose all or I would have to manage all the future updates on the dash package.
Many thanks,