Ideas for namespacing Component IDs?

I’ve come to the conclusion that with the current architecture of Dash there are too many drawbacks with the aforementioned approach.


  1. namespacing must be done dynamically (to avoid potential namespace conflicts)
  2. use of Location components is handicapped

For 1. the effect is that there is a drastic increase in page load and update time. For 2. we can only have a single Location component, which forces apps to be tightly coupled to the interface I created.

To resolve both of these issues, I have moved towards an approach that I first saw outlined by @Vlad Multiple Dashboards?. I think for the time being, this is a more practical approach until Dash has native support for multi-page apps.

Creating a single page app now looks like

server = Flask(__name__)

app = Page1(name="home", server=server, url_base_pathname="/")

if __name__ == "__main__":"")

Creating a multi-page app (Method 1)

server = Flask(__name__)

index_app = IndexApp(name="home", server=server, url_base_pathname="/")
section_app = Section(name="section", server=server, url_base_pathname="/app1")

if __name__ == "__main__":"")

Creating a multi-page app (Method 2)

class MyApp(MultiPageApp):
    def get_routes(self):

        return [
            Route(IndexApp, "index", "/"),
            Route(Section, "home", "/app1")

server = Flask(__name__)

app = MyApp(name="", server=server, url_base_pathname="")

Code and install details:

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