I’ve seen in the changelog of Dash-AG-Grid 2.4.0 that getContextMenuItems was enabled, though I couldn’t find any documentation on how to enable it. I’ve asked the chatbot and received the below response.
To use the new getContextMenuItems
feature in Dash AG Grid, you can define a callback function that returns a list of menu items. Each menu item is represented by a dictionary with properties like name
, action
, and disabled
. Here’s an example:
from dash import Dash, html
import dash_ag_grid as dag
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/wind_dataset.csv")
app = Dash(__name__)
columnDefs = [
{'field': 'direction'},
{'field': 'strength'},
{'field': 'frequency'},
def get_context_menu_items(params):
return [
{'name': 'Copy', 'action': 'copy'},
{'name': 'Paste', 'action': 'paste'},
{'name': 'Delete', 'action': 'delete'},
grid = dag.AgGrid(
app.layout = html.Div([grid])
if __name__ == "__main__":
In this example, the getContextMenuItems
callback function is defined to return a list of three menu items: “Copy”, “Paste”, and “Delete”. You can customize the menu items and their actions according to your requirements.
Though I’m getting the following error when trying to implement it:
TypeError: The dash_ag_grid.AgGrid
component (version 2.4.0) with the ID “table-ghg-entities” received an unexpected keyword argument: getContextMenuItems
Allowed arguments: cellClicked, cellDoubleClicked, cellRendererData, cellValueChanged, className, columnDefs, columnSize, columnSizeOptions, columnState, csvExportParams, dangerously_allow_code, dashGridOptions, defaultColDef, deleteSelectedRows, deselectAll, detailCellRendererParams, enableEnterpriseModules, exportDataAsCsv, filterModel, getDetailRequest, getDetailResponse, getRowId, getRowStyle, getRowsRequest, getRowsResponse, id, licenseKey, masterDetail, paginationGoTo, paginationInfo, persisted_props, persistence, persistence_type, resetColumnState, rowClass, rowClassRules, rowData, rowModelType, rowStyle, rowTransaction, scrollTo, selectAll, selectedRows, style, suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns, updateColumnState, virtualRowData
Could you please help me?