How to use dcc.Link in dcc.Markdown for high performance links πŸš€

One of the great things about multi-page apps with Dash is that when you navigate between pages with dcc.Location and dcc.Link, it updates the layout without refreshing the page, making the navigation super fast. :rocket:

Did you know that you can also use the dcc.Link component from within a dcc.Markdown? This makes it possible to use high performance links in Markdown text.


  1. Try running this example from the Dash Multi-page App Demos repo. You will be able to see the difference between using a regular Markdown link vs dccLink.

  2. Simple example:
    Note that it’s necessary to set dangerously_allow_html=True See more info in this forum post about writing secure dash apps

dcc.Markdown("<dccLink children=Home href='/' />",  dangerously_allow_html=True)
  1. Link inline with text:
    'This is an inlined <dccLink href="/page4" children="Page 4" /> with text on both sides',
  1. Link with an image:
    <dccLink href="/home">
        <img src="assets/image.png" height="300px" />
  1. Link with the link name formatted with Markdown syntax - in this case like an html.H2:
    <dccLink href="/page6">
        <dccMarkdown children="## Page 6" />
  1. See more examples in this gist

Great tutorial. THank you for sharing, @AnnMarieW .

I just added this tutorial to the message on β€œlinks to helpful posts”, inside the Community Support Group.