How to update rangeslider when extendTrace api using?


How can I make the rangeSlider shows all in real-time charting?
it shows only one dot in my example.

that is what I’m trying:

Thank you.

Thanks for the report.

There are a few bugs in our range slider at the moment that will we fix in the next few weeks.

I’d recommend subscribing to for the latest development info.

Thank you for your reply Etienne.
Ok I will. Thank you again.

Hey @etienne,
I know this is resolved but I am facing a very similar issue.

I am using extendData to update a graph with on relayout.
Unfortunately, the rangeslider will always be empty even though the chart updates properly.

df = pd.DataFrame({"x": x, "y": y})
df["x"] = pd.to_datetime(df["x"])

def figure():
    data = df.iloc[initial_start_x:initial_end_x]
    fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scattergl(x=[], y=[], mode="lines"))
    return fig

app.layout = html.Div(
            id="graph", figure=figure(), animate=True, config=dict(scrollZoom=True)

    [Output("graph", "extendData"), Output("store", "data")],
    [Input("graph", "relayoutData")],
    [State("store", "data")]
def relayout_figure(relayoutData, store):
    fig_data = dash.no_update
    store_data = dash.no_update

    if not store:
        initial_fig_data = df.iloc[initial_start_x:initial_end_x]
        x = initial_fig_data["x"]
        y = initial_fig_data["y"]

        fig_data = dict(x=[x], y=[y])
        store_data = {"x": max(x)}
    elif (
        and "xaxis.range[0]" in relayoutData
        and "xaxis.range[1]" in relayoutData
        x_start = relayoutData["xaxis.range[0]"]
        x_end = relayoutData["xaxis.range[1]"]
        print(f"{x_start} - {x_end}")
        new_fig_data = get_data_in_timeframe(x_start, x_end)

        last_x = store["x"]

        x = new_fig_data["x"]
        y = new_fig_data["y"]

        # deduplicate
        mask = x > last_x
        x = x[mask]
        y = y[mask]

        fig_data = dict(x=[x], y=[y])

        if not x.empty:
            store_data = {"x": max(x)}

    return fig_data, store_data

Thank you.