I am using angular-ploty library and want plotly for line or bar graph when its round of the y axis as per data provided, the ticks having decimals should be skiped, as there won’t be any data in graph to represented.
I tried with tickformat like ‘,d’ and ‘d’ but it only eliminates the floating number after decimal, but then data in ticks is listed as 1,1,2,2,3,3
Hence is there any provision to skip duplicate y-axis because tickformat d is not doing that, or skip the ticks which are having floating numbers
Providing sample :
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"title": {
"text": "Cost (RS)",
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"text": "Number of Peoples",
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"customdata": [
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"year": "<b>2025<br></b>",
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"year": "<b>2026<br></b>",
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"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2028<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
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"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2030<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2031<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2032<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2033<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2034<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"hovertemplate": "<span>%{customdata.year}Cost - %{customdata.cost}<br>Peoples - %{customdata.count}</span><extra></extra>"
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"color": "rgba(230, 176, 86, 1)"
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"year": "<b>2024<br></b>",
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"year": "<b>2025<br></b>",
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"count": "1"
"year": "<b>2026<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
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"year": "<b>2027<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2028<br></b>",
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"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2029<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2030<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2031<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2032<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2033<br></b>",
"cost": "0 RS",
"count": "0"
"year": "<b>2034<br></b>",
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