How to set multiple style_cell_conditions in filter_query


I’m not good at English.

I’m trying to set up multiple style cell conditions for the dash data table,

        style_cell_conditional =[
            {'if': {'column_id': c } , 'width': '80px'} for c in column_list
            ] + [
            {'if': {'column_id' : 'System'}, 'width': '100px', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}
            ] + [
            {'if': {'column_id' : 'Location'}, 'width': '200px', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}
            ] + [

            {'if': {'column_id' : x , 'filter_query' : '{} eq 1'.format('{'+ x +'}')},
                'backgroundColor': '#FFD6DA', 'color': 'black', 'fontWeight': 'bold'} for x in column_list[2:]

An error occurs in the above text.

The column list is shown below.

The column list changes from time to time.

      column_list = ['System', 'Location', '14:00', '14:05', '14:10', '14:15', '14:00', '14:05,' '14:10', '14:15']

The error phrase that occurs when running is.

      Failed component prop type: Invalid component prop `style_cell_conditional[12].if` key `filter_query` 
      supplied to DataTable.
      Bad object: {
             "column_id": "14:00",
             "filter_query": "{14:00} eq 1"
      Valid keys: [

Thank you in advance.