How to select subset of data from dendrogram leaf in clustergram

I would like to be able to use a Clustergram dendrogram and select a leaf or cluster interactively, so I can use it to filter the heatmap to a smaller subset of data in my app.

I am able to create the Clustergram and i set generate_curves_dict and return_computed_traces to True, but I cannot figure out how I can match the curve number to a set of row and col indices.

When I select one of the leave (clusters), I get this payload

    "payload": [
            "curveNumber": 11,
            "pointNumber": 1,
            "x": 112.5,
            "y": 417.22277677874365,
            "xaxis": {
                "anchor": "y9"
            "yaxis": {
                "anchor": "x3"

curveNumber corresponds to the cluster number I see in the UI (“Col Cluster 11”) and x corresponds to the distance metric value, but I cannot figure out how to use the curves_dict or the computed_traces to retrieve the index of the rows and column in my heatmap…

The curves_dict just seems to be a list of all my rows, but not the clusters:

{0: ['col', 0],
 1: ['col', 1],
 2: ['col', 2],
 3: ['col', 3],
 4: ['col', 4],
 5: ['col', 5],
 6: ['col', 6],
 7: ['col', 7],

And the computed_traces are just the lines of the dendrogram AFAICT…

{'dendro_traces': {'col': [{'x': array([ 48.75      ,  48.75      , 183.32490444, 183.32490444]),
    'y': array([335.84263007, 753.16300727, 753.16300727, 417.22277678]),
    'mode': 'lines',
    'marker': {'color': 'rgb(0,116,217)'},
    'text': None,
    'hoverinfo': 'y+name',
    'xaxis': 'x',
    'yaxis': 'y',
    'name': 'Col Cluster 0',
    'line': {'width': 2},
    'type': 'scatter'},
   {'x': array([112.5       , 112.5       , 254.14980888, 254.14980888]),
    'y': array([287.55355256, 417.22277678, 417.22277678, 353.95645073]),
    'mode': 'lines',
    'marker': {'color': 'rgb(0,116,217)'},
    'text': None,
    'hoverinfo': 'y+name',
    'xaxis': 'x',
    'yaxis': 'y',
    'name': 'Col Cluster 11',
    'line': {'width': 2},
    'type': 'scatter'},
   {'x': array([163.125     , 163.125     , 345.17461777, 345.17461777]),

Is there a way to match the cluster number to the original row and col indices? I could construct the dendrogram using the original scipy code, but surely there must be a way to use the plotly diata directly?