Hi! I have a dash_table.Datatable
with hideable columns and a “Toggle Columns” button. I know how to style and hide it. But I would also like to edit the inner text inside the <button>
tag. I could not do it with CSS. How can I do that?
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hi @sepremento
can you show an image of the button you are referring to please.
Hi @adamschroeder! Thank you for your response! It seems not illustrative enough to just show a picture. When you use a code like this:
dash_table.DataTable(id='my-table', data=df.to_dict('records'),
columns=[{'name': col, 'id': col, 'hideable': True}
for col in df.columns],
you get a table with little Toggle columns
button on the top left corner with CSS class show-hide
. I’ve managed a hack to change the perceived button caption with CSS like this:
.show-hide {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
.show-hide::before {
background: inherit;
content: "My custom caption";
position: absolute;
left: 5px;
right: 5px;
but it seems very inelegant and I was looking for a more native solution.