How to make python quiver with colorscale?

Hi ,i would like to have plot like this ,it is possible in plotly or not?

Hi @mahnaz welcome to the forum! It is not possible to specify a colorscale with the create_quiver Python figure factory, because the figure factory results in a figure with one single line trace (interrupted between arrows). It is not possible to have a color gradient for a scatter trace with line mode, although this has already been discussed in the plotly.js tracker (but it’s a feature which would probably require some sponsoring). As a workaround, you can call create_quiver on different arrays corresponding to a range of values of y and attribute a different color to each (with fig.update_traces(line_color=...)) to emulate the desired behaviour.

Thank u.the color of arrow is the length between(xi,yi,ui,vi) like z value in heatmap.