How to make Dash Dropdown value and label different from the DataFrame?

Trying to make a dropdown that the label is different than the value. Like the stock name is different than the stock symbol. See my dataframe below:

filepath_symbol = 'symbol_ticker.csv'
df3 = pd.read_csv(filepath_symbol, sep = ",")

symbol name
0 SPY SPDR S&P 500
1 CMCSA Comcast Corporation Class A Common Stock
2 KMI Kinder Morgan Inc.
3 INTC Intel Corporation
4 MU Micron Technology Inc.

This is the code that creates the dropdown:

 html.Div([html.Label('Financials Search'), 
dcc.Dropdown(id = 'input-2-submit', options=[{'label':i['name'], 'value':i['symbol']} for i in df3],searchable = True),
html.Button('Go',id = 'btn-2-submit')],className='three columns')

Then I’ve got this error:

options[8787].label in Dropdown with ID "input-2-submit" is required but it was not provided.

(This error originated from the built-in JavaScript code that runs Dash apps. Click to see the full stack trace or open your browser’s console.)
Error: options[8787].label in Dropdown with ID “input-2-submit” is required but it was not provided.

at propTypeErrorHandler (

at CheckedComponent (

at renderWithHooks (

at mountIndeterminateComponent (

at beginWork (

at performUnitOfWork (

at workLoop (

at renderRoot (

at performWorkOnRoot (

at performWork (

I’ve been trying to find solutions but I am out of luck. Thank you guys and please help me out here!