How to make border Bottom for one column of Datatable

I’m trying to add borders to a column of Datatable but I have a problem that I did not find solution. Below is my sample code:

from dash import Dash, dash_table
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

data = OrderedDict(
        ("Date", ["2015-01-01", "2015-10-24", "2016-05-10", "2017-01-10", "2018-05-10", "2018-08-15"]),
        ("Region", ["Montreal", "Toronto", "New York City", "Miami", "San Francisco", "London"]),
        ("Temperature", [1, -20, 3.512, 4, 10423, -441.2]),
        ("Humidity", [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]),
        ("Pressure", [2, 10924, 3912, -10, 3591.2, 15]),

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = dash_table.DataTable(
    columns=[{'id': c, 'name': c} for c in df.columns],
    style_cell={'textAlign': 'left'},
        {'if': {'column_id': 'Region'},
         'borderRight': ' 3px solid red',
         'borderLeft': ' 3px solid red'
        {'if': {'column_id': 'Region'},
         'borderRight': ' 3px solid red',
         'borderLeft': ' 3px solid red',
         'borderTop': ' 3px solid red'

if __name__ == '__main__':

And here is the result:

I tried to add borderBottom to style_data_conditional but it will add border for all cell.

So I want to ask is there anyway to add borderBottom for last cell only. Thank you.

Hello @hoatran,

You can probably figure out something that would work, but it might be easiest to use css for this:

#idoftable tr:last-of-type>td(1) {
    border-bottom: 3px solid red;

Hi @jinnyzor, so I have to add your css code to my css code in assests folder or what should I do? Thank you.

That would be the case, but let’s try this:

from dash import Dash, dash_table
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

data = OrderedDict(
        ("Date", ["2015-01-01", "2015-10-24", "2016-05-10", "2017-01-10", "2018-05-10", "2018-08-15"]),
        ("Region", ["Montreal", "Toronto", "New York City", "Miami", "San Francisco", "London"]),
        ("Temperature", [1, -20, 3.512, 4, 10423, -441.2]),
        ("Humidity", [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]),
        ("Pressure", [2, 10924, 3912, -10, 3591.2, 15]),

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = dash_table.DataTable(
    columns=[{'id': c, 'name': c} for c in df.columns],
    style_cell={'textAlign': 'left'},
        {'if': {'column_id': 'Region'},
         'borderRight': ' 3px solid red',
         'borderLeft': ' 3px solid red'
        {‘if’: {‘column_id’:’Region’, ‘row_index’:len(df)-1}, ‘bordeBottom’: ‘3px solid red’}
        {'if': {'column_id': 'Region'},
         'borderRight': ' 3px solid red',
         'borderLeft': ' 3px solid red',
         'borderTop': ' 3px solid red'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Thank you, you’re incredible. By the way I have another question that I’ve styled header of Datatable but when print, color of header disappeared. Do you know how to fix this? Thank you.

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No. But this might be easier with css in an assets folder. Lol.

@media print {
#id th(1){
     border-top: 3px solid red
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