How to make adding rows persistent

I am new in Dash and I followed the official documentation (Editable DataTable | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly) to add rows in the data table via a button but I notice that I can’t make the new added rows of the table persistent when navigating to different links or refreshing.

What is the best way to achieve persistence for the new added rows? I have searched in the forum for this issue but I couldn’t find a concrete solution. Any help would be really appreciated.

Hi cittadella, and wellcome to the Community,

Are you using the persistence and persisted_props properties of the tables?

Hi @Eduardo.
Yes I am using persistence=True and persisted_props=[‘’, ‘data’, ‘filter_query’, ‘selected_columns’, ‘selected_rows’]. For some reason the new added rows created by the button get lost when navigating or refreshing. I have spent a lot of time trying to resolve this but since I am a newbie I think I must been missing something.

I had no experience on that issue but as adding rows requires a callback, are you sending again the persistence and persisted_props properties in that callback?