I am new to dash and python in general. I am building a DSS dash webapp for Twitter analysis in which I show the most liked tweet in a dash data table. I have the twitter account, number of likes for this tweet and a “likes” static word as 3 columns in the header (see below image)
I want to replace the static word “likes” with a like image similar to below image
I use the below code for the datatable
d_columns_imp_h1 = [{'name':top_tweets_by_imp[['author_name']].iloc[0,].values,'id':'author_name'},
{'name':top_tweets_by_imp[['like_count_1m']].iloc[0,].values,'id':'like_count_1m','type':'numeric', 'format':Format().group(True)},
d_table_imp_h1 = DataTable(id = 'imp_h1',
columns = d_columns_imp_h1,
cell_selectable = False,
style_cell = {'whiteSpace':'normal',
'box-shadow': '2px 2px 2px lightgrey',
'width':'70%','padding':'0px 0px 0px 10px',
'width':'20%','padding':'0px 10px 0px 0px',
'type':'numeric', 'format':Format().group(True),
'padding':'0px 10px 0px 0px',
And my div is
style = {'width':'340px','height':'140px',
'border':'none', 'display':'inline-block',
'margin':'0px 0px 0px 10px'})
Assuming my image is in ‘path/like-icon.png’
I also want to format the number of likes to add thousand separator (for example: 23128 becomes 23,128, 1569 becomes 1,569)
Does anyone know how to do this?