How to implement a 24-hour time picker in Dash Plotly without regional time formatting?

I am trying to integrate a time picker in my Dash Plotly application. I have tried using an input with type=‘time’, which works fine, but it picks the regional time format. The requirement is to allow the selection of time in a 24-hour format.

Here’s a basic example of what I have tried:

import dash
from dash import dcc, html

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div([
    html.Label('Select Time:'),
    dcc.Input(type='time', id='time-picker', value='12:00'),

if __name__ == '__main__':

Issue: The above code picks the time format based on regional settings (e.g., 12-hour AM/PM), but I need a 24-hour format consistently.

What I have tried:

Setting type=‘time’ in dcc.Input. Checked browser settings, which affect the display but not the requirement. Requirement: I need a time picker that allows selecting time in a 24-hour format without depending on the regional settings of the browser or the operating system.

Any suggestions or alternative components that could help achieve this in Dash Plotly?

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Hi @dark
Welcome to the community.

How did you get that to work? dcc.Input’s typeproperty does not accept ‘time’ as a value.

hi @adamschroeder i just try to use time instead of text and it works. but it pick region time format

is there any another way to get the 24 hour time format?

Not that I know of, @dark . I know that with html.Input you can use time. But Dash doesn’t have html.Input. Could you use the dcc.Slider for this?