How to ignore when certain components do not exist that are part of my callback?

Hi, I’ve begun working on my thesis, part of which involves building a dashboard which can connect to an external data source and start updating graphs in real-time based on that connection. I’m new to dash (Generally speaking, l tend to use R more except for small projects in Python). After watching a few tutorials and reading the documentation, I don’t think I am able to solve this on my own.

The idea is as follows: the user selects a connection type in a dropdown menu. When they select one option, a text field (or fields) appear dynamically in which they can enter the necessary information to connect to their external data source. Once they press the ‘connect’ button, it will start loading that data every second.

At this stage, I have created the dropdown menu (with some dummy options) and I am able to get the fields to change dynamically. However, whenever I click on the connect button, it will return an error because my callback is expecting the States of all the possible fields that my dropdown menu could generate. The way I have programmed it, is that it loops over if statements until it found the right connector type, from there it will trigger a success message.

Is there any way to either ‘ignore’ the States of the components that do not exist at the time, or am I going about this the wrong way and there is a better method of doing this?

I have posted my code below:

import dash
from dash import html, dcc, Input, Output, State
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import pandas as pd
import time

# Initialize Dash app
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets= [dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP], suppress_callback_exceptions= True)

# Layout of the app
app.layout = dbc.Container([

		dbc.Col(html.Div([ # Sidebar
			dcc.Dropdown( # Dropdown menu
				id= 'connector-dropdown',
				options= [
				{'label': 'IP', 'value': 'IP_connector'},
				{'label' : 'TCP', 'value' : 'TCP_connector'}
				value= 'IP_connector'), # Default option on launch

			html.Div(id= 'input-fields', children= []), # Dynamic input field
			html.Button('Connect', id= 'connector-button', n_clicks= 0),
			], style={'padding' : '20px', 'backgroundColor' : '#f8f9fa', 'height': '100vh'}), width= 2),

		dbc.Col(html.Div([ # Main content area
			html.H2('Main content'),
			html.Div(id= 'output', children=[]),
			], style= {'padding': '20px'}), width = 10
	], fluid= True)

# Callback to dynamically change input fields based on source
	Output(component_id= 'input-fields', component_property= 'children'),
	Input(component_id= 'connector-dropdown', component_property= 'value')

def update_input_fields(connector_type):

	if connector_type == 'IP_connector':
		return html.Div([
			dcc.Input(id= 'IP_input', type= 'text', placeholder= 'Enter IP address')

	elif connector_type == 'TCP_connector':
		return html.Div([
				dcc.Input(id= 'TCP1_input', type= 'text', placeholder= 'Enter TCP1 address'),
				dcc.Input(id= 'TCP2_input', type= 'text', placeholder= 'Enter TCP2 address')
		return html.Div()

# Callback to retrieve data and upate the main content
	Output(component_id= 'output', component_property= 'children'),
	Input(component_id= 'connector-button', component_property= 'n_clicks'),
	State(component_id= 'connector-dropdown', component_property= 'value'),
	State(component_id= 'IP_input', component_property= 'value'),
	State(component_id= 'TCP1_input', component_property= 'value'),
	State(component_id= 'TCP2_input', component_property= 'value'),
	prevent_initial_call = True

def retrieve_data(n_clicks, connector_type, IP_input, TCP1_input, TCP2_input):
	if n_clicks > 0:
		if connector_type == 'IP_connector':
			print('IP success!')

		elif connector_type == 'TCP_connector':
			print('TCP success!')

# Run app
if __name__ == '__main__':
	app.run_server(debug= True)

Hello @winter,

Welcome to the community!

You can use the advanced callback feature of pattern-matching in order to work with non-existent components.

Here is the example on

I also figured that you would want the connection data so you could use it however you needed, so I have the connection_data build a dictionary for it.