I’m having a trouble styling my bar chart in Plotly.js .
The intervals in the chart is too narrow to me, so I’d like to make wider.
I could not find properties to do it in the documentation.
What is the property to make the intervals wider ?
My code is below.
const source = [...Array(100).keys()].reverse().map((n) => {
const y = `some_feature_name_foo_bar${n}`;
const x = (n + 1) * 10;
return [y, x];
const xValues = source.map((s) => { return s[1]; }).reverse();
const yValues = source.map((s) => { return s[0]; }).reverse();
const data = [{
type: 'bar',
x: xValues,
y: yValues,
orientation: 'h',
width: 0.7,
marker: {
color: '#015de2',
const layout = {
autosize: true,
height: 3000,
margin: {
l: 200,
r: 50,
t: 100,
pad: 10,
xaxis: {
title: 'Feature importance',
side: 'top',
yaxis: {
title: 'Feature',
tickangle: 30,
tickfont: {
size: 10,
Plotly.newPlot(targetId, data, layout, { displayModeBar: false });