How can I draw arrows using plotly.Python and assign legend for them? I used annotations but I can’t assign them legend because it doesn’t have this property.
How can I draw arrows using plotly.Python and assign legend for them? I used annotations but I can’t assign them legend because it doesn’t have this property.
@empet hi
Can we use your comment [go.Scatter() plot with oriented markers (for example tadpole markers) - #2 by empet] to draw arrows (By combining lines and markers) for this page question? (I doubt about incline directions)
No, we can’t!
Have you tried to plot arrows with ff.create_quiver()?
fig = ff.create_quiver(x=[0.5, 0.7], y=[1, 0.8], u=[1.2, 1.35], v=[0.9, -0.7],
line=dict(width=1.25, color='RoyalBlue'))
fig.update_traces(fill="toself", name="arrow", showlegend=True)
fig.update_layout(width=500, height=400)
This line
fig.update_traces(fill="toself", name="arrow", showlegend=True)'
fills the arrow, assigns a name to your arrows, to be displayed in legend.
For more details on the arguments of the function ff.create_quiver()
Thanks Dear, This is exactly what I needed. You are grand dude