I would like to create a rangeslider for user to define hour range… Something as follow:
value=[0, 23],
marks={str(h) : str(h) for h in range(0, 24)},
Now it looks like:
Is it possible to change the text color of the marks?
My dashboard is dark-themed. Hours are expected to be shown in lighter color if selected. Is it a way to customize the text color of selected and un-selected marks?
instead of assigning str(h) to your marks dict, you should assign another dict containing a label and a style entries. So for example, instead of
you would have
marks={str(h) : {'label' : str(h), 'style':{'color':the_color_you_want} for h in range(0, 24)},
To change the color of the selected ones you can change the style dict of the marks through a callback function
I can change the text color. Thanks @Bachibouzouk.
(I added one more closing curly brace to make sure it works.)
marks={str(h) : {'label' : str(h), 'style':{'color':the_color_you_want}} for h in range(0, 24)},
But I am not really sure how to change the color of the selected ones with a callback function. I can still only change the color for all text, but not the selected ones even through a callback. How to define the color of selected and non-selected ones separately?
he markers of the slider go back to default color after a callback.
The call back actually selects different data sets. how to maintain the color of the markers through the callbacks too?