how to add an image and css style to window title in dash app.title=“dash” ,can anyone help me out with this?
Check out this part of the guide as it should answer your questions and provide you with even more info:
Changin the icon:
- You can set an ‘assets’ folder (if it’s not at the same level as your main file, you might need to specialy dash.Dash(name, assets_folder=mypath)
- You can then put single file named
which will be used for the tab icon
Changing the title (and the META):
You can modify the app.index_string and basically change the title
app.index_string = '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div>My Custom header</div>
<div>My Custom footer</div>
If you only wish to change the title, I believe app.title = ‘Title’ can work as well
app.index_string lets you change much more info, but only if you need to
Check the link, it goes into much more details as to how to do it
Thank you Jordan ,it was really helpful
Hey Jordan,
I can’t figure out what is meant by “You can modify app.index_string”; my goal is to add a favicon.
Do I need to modify app.index_string to add a favicon?
I’m not having any luck simply adding a favicon.ico to my assets folder. Nothing is showing up in the web browser tab!