How can I right align my chart in its container?


I’m wondering if there’s a way to right align my plotly chart.

Please have a look at the screen shot below of the two plotly charts. They both seem to be left aligned in their containers. But I would like the chart on the right to be right align (indicated by the red arrow).

It’s an AngularJS application and I’m referencing the Plotly JS CDN at

Here is the relevant code:

From the modal component:

<div style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid black;">
	<cebm-scatter-plot></cebm-scatter-plot>		<!-- this is the chart on the left -->
<div style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid black;">
	<cebm-time-series-chart></cebm-time-series-chart> 		<!-- this is the chart on the right -->

The scatter plot component (on the left):

<div style="width: 100%;">
    <div id="scatter-plot-chart"></div>

The time series component (on the right):

<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
    <div id="time-series-chart"></div>

Congifuring the scatter plot (on the left):

var chartDiv = document.querySelector('#scatter-plot-chart');
Plotly.plot(chartDiv, [{
	type: 'scatter',
	mode: 'markers',
	x: data_x,
	y: data_y,
	xaxis: 'x',
	yaxis: 'y',
	name: xAxisLabel,
	marker: {
		color: 'red',
		size: 3
}], {
	title: 'Scatter Plot',
	dragmode: 'lasso',
	autosize: false,
	width: 400,
	height: 400,
	margin: {
		l: 30,
		r: 1,
		b: 35,
		t: 23
	paper_bgcolor: '#7f7f7f',
	plot_bgcolor: '#c7c7c7'

Configuring the time series plot (on the right):

var chartDiv = document.querySelector('#time-series-chart');
Plotly.plot(chartDiv, [{
	type: 'scatter',
	x: data_x,
	y: data_y,
	xaxis: 'x',
	yaxis: 'y',
	name: xAxisLabel,
	marker: {
		color: 'red',
		size: 3
}], {
	title: 'Time Series',
	dragmode: 'lasso',
	autosize: false,
	width: 400,
	height: 400,
	margin: {
		l: 30,
		r: 1,
		b: 35,
		t: 23
	paper_bgcolor: '#7f7f7f',
	plot_bgcolor: '#c7c7c7'

Can someone please tell me what modifications I have to make to get the time series chart (on the right) to right align in its container?

Thank you!