How can I limit the zooming/panning range of my plotly.js scatter plot to the minimum and maximum data values?


We have a scatter plot in our AngularJS application based on Plotly.js. We are able to zoom and pan the chart beyond the minimum and maximum values of the data on both the x axis and y axis. We would like to prevent this. Would like panning and zooming to stop when the minimum/maximum values are in view (or a little beyond in order to give it some buffer).

Please note: we have the toolbar disabled so panning can only happen by hovering the mouse over the axes and getting the double-headed arrows. Zooming occurs by hovering over the chart and scrolling the mouse wheel.

Here is an example of the data and the layout:


      "x":[ ... ],
      "y":[ ... ],
      "hovertemplate":"%{x}<br>%{y:.2f} %{text}<extra></extra>",
      "text":[ ... ],


      "text":"Time Series",

On a related note, if anyone has an answer to this, I would greatly appreciate an answer there too.

This feature is available since Plotly.js 2.26.0.
Add the following properties to the x- respective y-axis:

  xaxis: {
    minallowed: 1664327580000,
    maxallowed: 1698922140000

See the online reference or the more exhaustive python documentation for details (JavaScript documentation doesn’t include this, but the features is there as well).
