Hi, iβm having some issues with the legend behaviour in my graph.
This is my code:
def plot_stint_data(stint_data, team_mapping, pit_stop_losses):
fig = go.Figure()
# Define a color list for stints
color_list = [
'rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.7)', # Stint 1 - Tomato
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.7)', # Stint 2 - Sky Blue
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.7)', # Stint 3 - Light Green
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.7)', # Stint 4 - Lavender
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.7)', # Stint 5 - Orange
'rgba(255, 205, 86, 0.7)' # Stint 6 - Light Yellow
y_labels = [team_mapping[car_id] for car_id in stint_data.keys()]
for i, (car_id, team_name) in enumerate(zip(stint_data.keys(), y_labels)):
stint_info = stint_data[car_id]
stint_lengths = [stint['num_laps'] for stint in stint_info]
medians = [stint['median'] for stint in stint_info]
mads = [stint['mad'] for stint in stint_info]
pit_losses = pit_stop_losses.get(car_id, []) # Get pit stop losses, or empty list if none available
start_pos = 0 # This will track the left (start) position for the stacked bars
for j, (length, median, mad) in enumerate(zip(stint_lengths, medians, mads)):
color = color_list[j % len(color_list)] # Loop through color_list
formatted_median = format_time(median)
pit_loss = pit_losses[j] if j < len(pit_losses) else None
is_last_stint = (j == len(stint_lengths) - 1)
text = f"<b>{length}</b> laps {formatted_median} <> {2*(mad):.2f}"
hovertext = f"Stint {j + 1}<br>MAD RANGE: {formatted_median}<>{2*(mad):.2f}<br>Length: {length} laps"
if not is_last_stint and pit_loss is not None:
text += f" (Pit Loss: {pit_loss}s)"
hovertext += f"<br>Pit Loss: {pit_loss}s"
y=[team_name], # Use the team name for the y-axis label
x=[length], # Bar width corresponds to the stint length
name=team_name, # Use team name in the legend
text=[text], # Include pit stop loss only if it's not the last stint
textposition='inside', # Position the text inside the bar
hovertext=hovertext, # Include pit stop loss in hovertext unless it's the last stint
marker=dict(color=color, line=dict(color='black', width=1)), # Set color from color_list
legendgroup=team_name, # Group stints by car/team
showlegend=(j == 0), # Only show legend for the first stint of each car
start_pos += length # Increment start_pos to stack the next stint
title='Car Stints with Median, MAD, and Pit Stop Losses',
xaxis_title='Number of Laps',
ticktext=y_labels # Use team names on the y-axis
legend_title_text='Teams', # Set legend title to Teams
# Return the HTML div and script for embedding
return pio.to_html(fig, full_html=False)
and this is what happens:
when i toggle an item from the legend, it just removes the last trace group from the graph and not the tracegroup iβm toggling.
same thing happens if i donβt use legend group. it correctly hides the traces i toggle, but the moment i toggle the last trace for a group, it hides the last trace in the graph and displays back the group i was hiding