Help with Creating a box plot with Adding Jittered Points in Rstudio

Good afternoon, I am very very new to Rstudio and learning the basics. I am also interested in learning how to utilize plotly more. But i have one question. I would like to create a box plot where I can add jittered points. I have looked on the plotly website, and it runs when i copy and paste the code into R studio. My only question is how do I get the code to read the data i need to the plot to reflect?

here is the code from the website:

for basic box plot:

p <- plot_ly(y = ~rnorm(50), type = “box”) %>%
add_trace(y = ~rnorm(50, 1))


to add jittered plots:

p <- plot_ly(y = ~rnorm(50), type = “box”, boxpoints = “all”, jitter = 0.3,
pointpos = -1.8)

how do i need to go about creating this? Thanks for your help!

Thanks for literally no help!