Help me please, I'm newbie

I’m getting started in plotly and I have a problem: browser display:
plotly-latest.min.js:32 Uncaught Error: DOM element provided is null or undefinedn @ plotly-latest.min.js:32P.plot @ plotly-latest.min.js:33(anonymous function) @ dashboard.php:76

I follow the step by step site, can anybody help me?

You must calling Plotly.plot wrong. In:

Plotly.plot(graph, data, layout);

graph can be the string id of the <div> element you want to plot in e.g.

<script src="plotly.js"></script>
<div id="graph"></graph>

// creates plotly.js graph in <div> above
Plotly.plot('graph', data, layout);


graph can also be the DOM element itself e.g.

<script src="plotly.js"></script>
<div id="graph"></graph>

var graph = document.getElementById('graph');

// creates plotly.js graph in <div> above
Plotly.plot(graph, data, layout);


I put after the div and it worked. Tks