I have created dynamic dropdowns. I iterated the python list in callback function and binded to html div.
But I’m stuck with issue-
Output(‘container’, ‘children’),
[Input(‘drop-down’, ‘n_clicks’)],
[State(‘container’, ‘children’)]
def display_graphs(n_clicks, div_children):
for i in filter_list:
lst = result_df[i].unique()
new_child = html.Div(
html.P(i, className='fix_label', style={'color': 'white'}),
value=None, # final_df2['Category.display'].unique(),
options=[{'label': c, 'value': c}
for c in lst], className='dcc_compon'),
return div_children
Now, based on the dropdown value the datatable should change. Suppose the drop column A has value 72 so in datatable it should filter and show value for only row having value 72. Could please help me writing callback function in this case ?
Because as you can see above the ‘id’ for dropdown is a variable ‘i’ which is dynamic. How can I get that in input of app.callback