Heatmapgl in plotly.js?

I want to create a heatmap using a very wide dataset and then surface this on a web page with zoom etc. I know that plotly.js can do a heatmap but I don’t think it will handle the number of columns (~30000) that I need to visualise. I thought that the heatmapgl component may handle it better.

Is it possible to use the heamapgl component in plotly.js? Alternatively, will this be possible through Dash or is this just abstracting the same capability?

I’ve seen heatmap perform fairly well at over 1e6 cells, so you should give it a shot!

Yes → https://codepen.io/etpinard/pen/qKGvBW?editors=0010

But, I would not recommend heatmapgl, heatmap perform just as well in newer browsers then our current WebGL implementation.

thanks @etienne. you were right, normal heatmap handles the data seamlessly, zoom, pan etc. Fantastic!