Heatmap with dendrogam and y-ticks labels?

I am following this example:

I have a side-dendrogram and a heatmap. Though now the y-tick labels are gone. I am trying to add them, but it does not work. Is it possible to add those again?

heatmap = go.Heatmap(z=df.values,
                     colorscale = colorscale)

fig = go.Figure()

    for i in range(len(dendro_side['data'])):
        dendro_side['data'][i]['xaxis'] = 'x2'

    for data in dendro_side['data']:
    y_labels = heatmap['y']
    heatmap['y'] = dendro_side['layout']['yaxis']['tickvals']
    fig.update_layout({'height':800, 'showlegend':False, 'hovermode': 'closest'})
            title={'text': title},
            yaxis={'title': '', 
                   'tickmode': 'array', 
                   'automargin': True})    
    # X-axis of heatmap
    fig.update_layout(xaxis={'domain': [.11, 1],
                             'mirror': False,
                             'showgrid': False,
                             'showline': False,
                             'zeroline': False,
                             'showticklabels': True,
    # Y-axis of heatmap
    fig.update_layout(yaxis={'domain': [0, 1],
                             'mirror': False,
                             'showgrid': False,
                             'showline': False,
                             'zeroline': False,
                             'showticklabels': True,
                             'tickmode': 'array',
                             'ticktext': y_labels,
                             'side': 'right'

    # X-axis of side-dendrogram
    fig.update_layout(xaxis2={'domain': [0, .1],
                              'mirror': False,
                              'showgrid': True,
                              'showline': False,
                              'zeroline': False,
                              'showticklabels': False,
    # Y-axis of side-dendrogram
    fig.update_layout(yaxis2={'domain': [0, 1],
                             'mirror': False,
                             'showgrid': False,
                             'showline': False,
                             'zeroline': False,
                             'showticklabels': True,
                             'tickmode': 'array',
                             'ticktext': y_labels
    fig.update_layout({'paper_bgcolor': 'white',
                       'plot_bgcolor': 'white'})

Which yaxis ticks would you like to display? For the heatmap of for the dendrogram?

I have the same issue. I would like to show the yaxis ticks for the heatmap. They show just fine if I only plot the heatmap, but I cannot find how to move them on the right.