Having trouble getting a font within a larger font family to appear on a Plotly graph

I have installed the Roboto font family on my computer, which comprises 12 different fonts. I can get the ‘Roboto’ font to display, but I’m having trouble getting ‘Roboto Bold’ to appear. I’m guessing this is because the family of Roboto Bold is still Roboto.

Interestingly, I was able to get Roboto Black to appear within the output of my Jupyter Notebook in VS Code, but when I save the chart to a .png file via Kaleido, I see a default (non-Roboto) font.

Is there any way that I can use fonts like Roboto Bold within my charts, or am I limited to the main font within each family?

Hi @KBurchfiel!

I played around with fonts and I didn’t come to any conclusion. Some of the fonts get displayed correctly, others don’t- at least by the looks of it. All these fonts are installed on my notebook. :thinking:

        'text':'Just a title',
            'family': 'Arial Black',
            #'family': 'Arial Narrow',
            #'family': 'Arial Nova',
            #'family': 'Arial Nova Light',
            #'family': 'Arial Nova Cond',
            'color': 'blue',
            'size': 30

Hi @AIMPED, thank you for giving this a try and for the detailed response!

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