Grouped Bar Chart issues

Hello, it looks like layout = {barmode: “group”} doesn’t work if you have several Y axis. Or may be I’m doing something wrong…

“format”: “png”,
“width”: “880”,
“height”: “350”,
“figure”: {
“data”: [
“x”: [
“y”: [
“type”: “bar”,
“error_y”: {
“type”: “data”,
“array”: [
“visible”: true
“x”: [
“y”: [
“type”: “bar”,
“yaxis”: “y2”,
“error_y”: {
“type”: “data”,
“array”: [
“visible”: true
“layout”: {
“autosize”: false,
“yaxis”: {
“type”: “linear”,
“autorange”: true,
“title”: “ops/s.”
“yaxis2”: {
“type”: “linear”,
“autorange”: true,
“title”: “B/op”,
“overlaying”: “y”,
“side”: “right”
“title”: “DeserializationBenchmarks: request”,
“height”: 350,
“width”: 880,
“showlegend”: false,
“barmode”: “group”,
“bargap”: “0.15”,
“bargroupgap”: “0.1”,
“xaxis”: {
“type”: “category”,
“autorange”: true
“margin”: {
“r”: 50,
“b”: 140,
“l”: 60,
“t”: 50

This is a known issue (unfortunately).

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thanks, I’ve found a workaround with markers opacity, but without groups it’s still not very readable